You can live your dreams!
The world of Tabea Bach
"I can only write about my heroines if I allow them to do what they most deeply desire."
It is often the second or third attempt in life that leads the heroines of Tabea Bach's novels to personal happiness. Who hasn't experienced this? Decisions we make for rational reasons are not always decisions that make us happy. At some point in our lives, we can listen to our inner voice, just like Sylvia, Angela, Julia and Elisa do - even if it's not always easy.
Tabea Bach listens to her inner voice. She hears it most clearly when she is doing what she loves. On the one hand, that is writing. But it also includes painting and music, working in the garden and in the kitchen. Or as Tabea Bach says: "I can only write about my heroines if I follow them in doing what they most deeply desire."